Our Mission

We aspire to build better lives through health and nutrition in primary care.

This means making dietetic care accessible to everyone.

To help us succeed, we need dietitians who are passionate and driven.

mission, vision and values

What makes PCD special is how much we...

Support and help our dietitians advance their career to be a first contact dietitian & beyond  

Support autonomous working & decision-making by our dietitians

Work collaboratively with our dietitian to support your clinical needs and interests in the Primary Care Network

Provide clinical supervision throughout your dietetic journey

Provide 4 hours of protected CPD time a week, to work through HEE’s Roadmap to practice

Encourage dietetic research and innovate ways of working in primary care

Are excited to be a part of a pioneering journey for advancing dietetics in primary care

Openly share information on a local and national level to advance the profession

Our vision

To provide First Contact Dietetic services to Primary Care Networks, allowing patients better access to nutritional care

Our values - this is what drives us

Increase patient accessibility

increase patient accessibility

We want to make dietetic care more accessible to more people. Embedding dietitians in primary care is the first step towards realising this goal.

Revolutinize the future of dietetic care

revolutionize dietetic care

We are pioneers in nutrition for primary care, aiming to provide high quality dietetic care in primary care

Learn and be curious

learn and be curious

We are thought leaders and strong believers of innovation, development and learning